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Americans with Disabilities Act

The 43rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act Policy (ADA), which requires that all court services and facilities be as reasonably accessible to persons with disabilities as those without disabilities. If you have a disability and require reasonable accommodation to file a claim, file court papers or participate in a court proceeding in the 43rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania, please contact the ADA Coordinator.

If you have received notice of a scheduled court appearance and require a reasonable accommodation, please call the ADA Coordinator immediately. Because some accommodations require additional time, please give at much notice as possible. Request for reasonable accommodation must be made at least five (5) business days in advance of the court activity. 

The request for ADA accommodation may be made by completing an Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodation Request and returning to an ADA Coordinator either by faxing it or mailing it to the address listed on this page.

Contact Information

43rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania

Office of Court Administration 
Attn: ADA Coordinator 
610 Monroe Street Suite 221 
Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Phone: (570) 517-3009 
Fax: (570) 517-3866